Minecraft - Diamond Picaxe About Me

About Me

Perkenalkan ! Nama gue Michael ! Biasa disapa Mike atau "Mi-ke" alias "Mekel" . Gue adalah anak tunggal dari keluarga gue. Keseharian gue ya , masih belajar . Masih SMP kelas 3 kok (2016 - 2017) . Ntah kenapa , hobi gue mendadak ngeblog . Dulu sih , ngeyutuban (www.youtube.com/user/michaelchenpilot) . Kali ini di blog gue satu-satunya akhirnya bisa gini laa , ga terlalu cantik , ga terlalu jelek .. Thanks juga teman-teman dari BLOGGER INDONESIA (facebook) yang udah membantu banyak dalam hal ngeblog dan promoting .
Gue ngeblog setiap hari , kadang 2 hari sekali . Oke , sekian "About Me" . Jangan lupa share link blog ini .
Bye !

Let me introduce myself ! My name is Michael ! My nickname is Mike or "Mi-ke" a.k.a "Mekel". I was the only child of my family. Everyday, I'm still studying , of cousee ! I'm only Grade 3rd Junior High School (2016 - 2017). I don't know why, suddenly my hobby is blogging. Well , I was also like youtubing (www.youtube.com/user/michaelchenpilot). This time , this is my only mainblog , Not too pretty, Not too ugly too .. I'm also thanks to friends of BLOGGER INDONESIA (facebook) that already helps a lot in terms of blogging and promoting.

I'll blog every day, sometimes two days. Okay, that's all about "About Me". Don't forget to share this blog link.



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